My messy bag

Lately I have been lazy in organizing my stuff. I just dump things in my bag so one day I spilled all the contents of my bag on my bed to check if maybe there is already a civilization living in there.
Keys! House keys, Office keys, desk keys and other keys !
My gadgets that I can't live without.
From the left: charger for my cellphone and ipod, charger for my digi cam, my digi cam, external hardisk and my ipod touch Camron D.
Female Stuff.
From the left: Tissue (can't live without em), comb, toothbrush (actually this already a discarded tooth brush since its close encounter with the friendly cockroaches), I don't need to explain this purple package, 2 bottles of perfume, liquid soap, medicine (in case) and the checkered purse are filled with other stuff (I don't want to elaborate trust me).

Lastly the essentials
From the left: Dexter book 4 (I already finished this book but I always bring a book with me), extra bag, my eyeglasses with my shades, bookmark, black cahier moleskin (its not filled with guy phone numbers its more filled with my weekly budget), my cardholder (courtesy of sunlife), my 2 cellphone, my colored pens, my pencil case, scissors, ballpen, lolipop, rings, Zesto tetra pack purse (its a purse not thrash), and black coin purse.

I admit I KNOW I bring a lot of stuff everyday but I can't help it.

New Spoon!

There was a time I had a bad day and to make things worse while commuting I lost my spoon. I bring lunch to work so its not unusual for me to lug around a spoon and fork. I was really sad to lose the spoon. It's not that it has a sentimental value or its expensive but somehow it just made me feel I loss something at that moment.

Last Saturday I finally bought myself a new set of utensils.

For me its like turning over a new leaf. So its not just the spoon, I will try wait I will do more of everything. I would push myself harder. Living one day after another like a zombie is not like living. I must wake my creative senses so that life will not be so mundane and boring.

I raise a glass...or for my case I raise my life!