Cebu Here I Come!!!

Right now I'm here in the airport waiting for my flight. The past week has been very hectic. I had to settle domestic affairs (still there are loose ends but I could manage to sooth it out in Cebu). I was also very busy with work. In between that I'm happy this got to spent time with the BF.

Somehow I have mixed feeling for this trip. I am excited but nervous. I am sad to leave my friends but happy to face new challenges in Cebu (As my sister would sa Charang!!!). I really did not know what to pack. I didn't want to bring lots of clothes because I really don't know how long my stay would last. I brought my art stuff though. Last time when I was assigned in Cebu I had loads of free time. So the bulk of my stuff are things to get me preoccupied for vacant moments.

I did not want to bring books because it would add to the weight. Luckily I found sending books doesn't cost that much. I sent myself 6 books through 2Go and paid only 70 pesos! Besides my book situation resolution I still had to pay LOTS for excess baggage. Maybe I'll send my stuff through a carrier next time.

Hope this Cebu thing will bring lots of new things to blog about! hehehe
*Will post later packing days pictures.


Despite the problems I have been facing lately I find myself sane and surviving the daily grind. I don't know how I manage. But push comes to shove...I have to swim.

Ah Sunday. Well for others its usually lazy Sundays for me ...its another story. Don't worry won't bitching about my problems.

Now to good things in life...Small stuff but makes me happy!.
Fist stop. Nail polish. My sister is a nail polish freak. I also enjoy painting my nails from time to time. From the care package my Mom sent. My sister got me cool crackle finish nail polish. Still working on how th get the best results.
"I hate weddings,' she says. 'They make me feel so unmarried. Actually, even brushing my teeth makes me feel unmarried."
Melissa Bank (The Girls' Guide to Hunting and Fishing)
Yes the book hoarding has begun!

I haven't finalized when I will be leaving but I already got the bags out. I'm pondering what would I bring since the move will be just temporary. hehehe You can also see my books are out and not my clothes. I'm thinking more of things I would bring so I will not be bored. I plan not bring lots of clothes, I will just hoard Ukay-ukay in Cebu. hehehe

Shot para igat!

Just finished my TVC storyboard, now to take out JD and coke!


Lately I have been so STRESSED. It's not just with my work. It's everything. So is this how it feel like to be an adult? hehehehe

Despite the things to do that are piling up I still try to have a positive outlook. Life is short and it is a waste if I ponder on negativity. So I got surround myself with inspiration stuff.

For example

Then I also see his tweet about it

Sigh. Pangpawala ng stress bow.