In less than a month my Father will be leaving for Australia. I have been helping him out with the things he needs to bring there. One of the major stuff are the techie gadgets. He wanted helped in canvasing what he would buy. I did not get to help with his cell phone because he just bought a new one out of the blue. He bought a Nokia 5800. He was very proud and would not even let me or my sister tinker with it. I did help with his laptop buying. I already have a friend who I contact if I need to buy a laptop. It took awhile for him to decided whether he will buy a laptop or not. Finally my father decided to buy one.
Now my problem is teaching my father how to use it. So last Sunday we celebrated Father's day at K1 spa. We did not avail the spa services instead we went there for the wifi. After eating dinner wet there lugging two laptops, my sister's and my Father's. It was a Sunday so there were no customers. We took out the laptops ang order Nachos and drinks. Then I started my tutorial...
Internet 101, Connecting the laptop throught Wifi, How to Chat through YM and skype.
At least we were somehow reserved...well compared when I was teaching him at home we were shouting at each other...don't do this, click that, double click, right click.....After the session I was drained. I didn't even get to peek my facebook because the time we stayed at K1 I was the teaching my Father a lot of stuff. My sister assisted when we taught him how to chat. We tested his built in web cam. My Mom was the only one not tinkering with any gadget. Around 9:30 we headed home.
That was only part one of the tutorials...sigh
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