It's been AWHILE

This just shows how I suck at  blogging nowadays. I have been updating my branding tumblr. It was suppose to be stuff for my rebranding but somehow my personal stuff is mixed.
I really should be fixing stuff.

Lately I feel I am in a rut. There are a lot of THINGS I should be doing (like getting my act together) but somehow I waste time on facebook. I should learn to go offline.

I need to have creative spark.

In a year I will be turning 30. I know it's just a number. Right now I don't even feel 29...(because I am really 28 going to 29 in less than a month). I am having one of those alone time so I will have my reflective moment! This is my blog and I will rant anything I want! Sigh...

I used to be fearless. I used to be spontaneous. Is this getting old feels like?


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