*All this IELTS review tips makes me write and rewrite my entries that I always end up deleting the few lines I have written.
Ever since I was a little girl I really enjoyed books. My Mother said that instead of going to sleep with stuffed toys I was sleeping with a book. Through the years my book preferences has evolved. One thing didn't change. My love for collecting books.
During high school I started reading novels. I have a tendency that if I like a certain author I need to read all the stuff he/she wrote. Well I was not only about reading books. I really liked collecting them. With my meager allowance I got by books one by one. My Mom is also love reading books so was happy to help me complete my collections. Four years in high school somehow I filled up a shelf. Maybe it was 50 books or more. I took pride with book collection.
That time I was into vampires and horror novels. This was before twilight phenomenon. I had books by Anne Rice, Stephen King, and what not. My parents entered a Catholic Charismatic group that did not advice reading works "inspired by the devil". So they ended up burning my books. Family drama aside, that did not stop me from reading and collecting books.
When I went away for college I started anew with my book collection. This time I was no longer attached with my books like last time. After my senior year I had a lot of books. I only kept a few. The others, specially the ones I know my parents would not approve of I gave away.
Moving from one place to another made me loose interest in have a book collection. I still enjoy reading books but did not really cared about what happened to my books afterwards. I started hoarding books again when I was assigned in Cebu for a company training. That time I had no other past time. I didn't have a computer or a tv at the house I stayed. The cheapest way to keep myself busy with my free time was buying books. I didn't bought new books. I got my books from second hand books shops. When I got extra money later I bought new books. So I read one books after another.
When I was assigned back in Davao I fell in love again with book collecting. So starting building my library. I still love buying second hand books. Now I love reading books series. I used to avoid them since completing a series was a hassle because there are a few good book stores here in Davao. Second books stores is not option since you can't really predict what books you can find there. I am glad that the internet made finding books so much easier. My first option is to buy second hand books to save more. Then there are days I do splurge one buying new books. I also blackmail my bf buying me some from time to time.
Right now I think a chunk of my paycheck goes to book buying. I admit that this is my current vice. My bf calls me an addict. Books are really my weakness. I can stop myself buying clothes, gadgets, and food. But when it comes to books I sometimes buy and not think. I know I must stop this book hoarding and finish reading all the books.
This is my book collection (novels, my graphic design books are in another pile somewhere...) . It's not complete because there a couple of books at that are borrowed by my friends. Funny, I tend to look the first book in my book series.