Do not blog about work

I have read articles about people who get fired because they blog something about their work. In my last company I almost got in trouble because of blogging. There was a memo released that it's not permitted to blog about your work and all the confidential stuff that comes with it. I didn't bad mouth my company that time but I guess I posted something about my work load...when the memo came out I immediately erased.

I am in a new company. It's an Advertising company. Confidentiality is a must. Even though I wanted to share to world my studies for my project I can't. I could tell small tidbits about it. I could post it when it is finally approved and released.

I am not also the type of person who bad mouths the company I work, or bitches about my officemates... especially the Boss. Even if there are no rules about that I'm not that mean nor stupid to do it.

One thing I want to blog about work though the little things I learn everyday. Like taking extra effort in the details, patience in checking the copy, trying to come up with better designs. Stuff that makes my day less boring and mundane.


Anonymous said...

Even though. Even so. We're sworn to secrecy I guess even if you just learned something new.
But then again, you can always keep it exclusive for friends only (aka private) in your preferences :p

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